Monday, December 2, 2019

Cramp BallAnnulohypoxylon thouarsianum

All on the same tree:

Lobaria anthraspis
Lobaria anthraspis
Lobaria anthraspis
Lobaria anthraspis
Common Greenshield Lichen – Flavoparmelia caperata
Pixie Cup Lichens Genus Cladonia ?

Beard Lichens –  U. arizonica
GIANT Apothecia!
Baldhip Rose – Rosa gymnocarpa
Rose hips
Interior Live Oak – Quercus wislizeni
California Newt – Taricha torosa
California Newt – Taricha torosa
California Newt – Taricha torosa
foam on tree
Goldback Fern – Pentagramma triangularis
Haircap Mosses – Genus Polytrichum
Turkey Tail
Chain Fern – Genus Woodwardia
Chain Fern
Samara of Big Leaf Maple
Goldback Fern
California Spikenard
California Bay
Bald Faced Hornet Nest
Redwood – top of tree and lower branches