Monday, August 3, 2020

Barn Swallow nest
non-native Naked Lady
Common Ringlet – Coenonympha tullia
Acmon Blue  – Icaricia acmon
Darkling Beetle – Family Tenebrionidae
Cryptic Globe Fungus – Veiled Polypore – Cryptoporus volvatus
Cryptic Globe Fungus with insect that hatched inside
Bull Thistle (non-native)
Eglantine Rose (non-native)
Evergreen Huckleberry – Vaccinium ovatum
Evergreen Huckleberry – Vaccinium ovatum
Striped Shore Crab – Pachygrapsus crassipes
Striped Shore Crab – Pachygrapsus crassipes (male)
Bread-crumb Sponge – Halichondria panicea
Bread-crumb Sponge – Halichondria panicea
Western Marsh Rosemary  – Limonium californicum (sea lavender)
Marsh Jaumea – Jaumea carnosa
Salt Grass – Distichlis spicata
Common Ringlet – Coenonympha tullia
Blackberry (native)
Bee Plant
Pacific Wax Myrtle – Morella californica
Pacific Wax Myrtle – Morella californica
Sneezeweed – Rosilla – Helenium puberulum
Pearly Everlasting – Anaphalis margaritacea
Common Yarrow
Wight’s Paintbrush – Castilleja wightii
Turkey Vulture – Cathartes aura
Bird’s-Foot-Trefoils Genus Lotus
Prunella – Selfheal
Ribwort Plantain Plantago lanceolata (non-native)
non-native Daisy
non-native invasive (from aquariums)
Prostrate Capeweed – Arctotheca prostrata (non-native, invasive)
Pennyroyal (non-native)
Coyote Brush Baccharis pilularis (male)
Mylitta Crescent
Mylitta Crescent (orange tipped antennae)
Mylitta Crescent
Coast Tarweed Madia sativa
Common Woolly Sunflower – Eriophyllum lanatum
Orange bush Monkeyflower
bee on bull thistle
Twinberry Honeysuckle
Midrib Gall Moth on Coffeeberry
Pacific Aster Symphyotrichum chilense